Music Television social media, submissions & contact info

YouTube is the preferred mode of review Music Television for finding music for placesment on MusicTeleivison.Com and it's affiliated music channels that break up into multiple niche genres.

Submit YouTube links only (other URL's will not be clicked) via DM on X which will take you to Twitter.Com/Global_Music_TV

As of February 2024, we still post to Facebook, but do not monitor Facebook or Instagram for direct messages or comments to posts.

Please visit the following Music Television sites that include:

The Indies: TheIndies.Com
The Quiet Storm: TheQuietStorm.Com
X Music TV (for mature audiences): XMusicTV.Com
Live Music Television: LiveMusicTelevision.Com
Dancentricity: Dancentricity.Com
Classic Music Television: ClassicMusicTelevision.Com
TV Música (Latin/Spanish Music Videos): TVMusica.Com
MusicLoad: MusicLoad.Com

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