Music Television is very pleased to present First Aid Kit and the music video to their cover rendition of the Willie Nelson classic titled On the Road Again.
The duo stated the following about their cover rendition:
Out of the archives, the perfect song for a very un-perfect year. We recorded Willie Nelson 's classic #OnTheRoadAgain a few years ago but never released it. In thinking about all that can’t happen because of COVID-19, the tours and festivals that had to be postponed or cancelled, the thousands of crew members worldwide out of work, and venues that face a very uncertain future - this old cover felt very timely.
While we can’t be on the road now, we hope this brings everyone some joy and excitement for the future when we can safely be together again. Our proceeds from the release will be donated to Live Nation Concerts #crewnation, every stream will earn royalties that we will proudly donate to this amazing organization that supports crew members, the backbone of the live music industry, through these unprecedented times. So stream, share, & repeat to support, and as soon as we can we’ll see you on the road again.
Please click the play button of the video below and choose the high-resolution & full screen options. When the video ends, it will automatically be followed by several excellent curated music videos. Press forward to skip or the reverse button to return to previous songs. Exit full screen mode to pick a new video.
First Aid Kit - On the Road Again (Music Video)
Connect direct with First Aid Kit at thisisfirstaidkit.com, Twitter.com/FirstAidKitBand, Instagram.com/firstaidkitband, Spotify, Apple iTunes and Facebook.com/firstaidkitband
Watch more music videos by First Aid Kit on our network at the following links:
Rebel Heart + Fireworks + It's A Shame (Music Videos)
Ghost Town (Music Video)
The Lion's Roar (Live)
Hard Believer
The Quiet Storm: TheQuietStorm.Com
X Music TV (for mature audiences): XMusicTV.Com
Live Music Television: LiveMusicTelevision.Com
Dancentricity: Dancentricity.Com
Classic Music Television: ClassicMusicTelevision.Com
TV Música (Latin/Spanish Music Videos): TVMusica.Com
MusicLoad: MusicLoad.Com